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Libra Full Moon: Aries Solar Fire Festival

Ginny Ross

Libra Full Moon, Aries Solar Fire Festival, March 31, 2018 at 5:37 am PDT

Use restraint when trying to get your point across. Misdirecting your frustrations could lead to hurt feelings and confusion. Use logic, be clear and most of all be patient. This full moon challenges relationships yet, the energies also provide the impulse to improve communication skills so that you can get the love you want.

Desire is stimulated so monitor your passions and notice how you tend to express your needs. Significant transformations can occur that take you down a new path, perhaps an inner journey that stimulates a more awakened attitude. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun’s position at 11 Aries submits “The power resulting from the formal integration of the collective desire for order.”

On a social-political level the transformation of old attitudes is obviously needed as we see in the news and in our communities. So speak up with conviction but use your intellect to guide your emotions, inviting personality-soul integration. Humanity is beginning to mature toward a more universal perspective, knowing that none of us are really free until all of us are free.

Tune into this powerful force for regeneration and be receptive to its influence on you and the Earth itself. The 8 minutes before and after the exact time of the full moon provides an exceptional opportunity for registering this unique combination of energies that will prompt our next evolutionary step. I’m counting on you to do your part.


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